Caribbean Dream Wedding Bouquet
Make memorable on your special day with the Caribbean Dream Wedding Bouquet. Crafted with colorful dried flowers, it adds a vibrant pop to any bridal or bridesmaid ensemble. The Floral Arrangement and Flower Wedding Accessories perfectly complete any wedding look.
Perfect for bohemian, romantic or summer weddings, this bouquet blossoms with premium-quality dried flowers in shades of pinks, oranges, lilac, green, aquamarine and white, evoking the soft hues of a beautiful Caribbean sunset.
Ideal for brides seeking a bouquet that's as unique as their love story, our Caribbean Dream bouquet also works beautifully for bridesmaids and flower girls, adding a touch of orange and lilac warmth to their wedding day ensemble.
-Bridal Bouquet: approx 38 cm in height x 21 cm in width.
-Bridesmaid Bouquet: approx 34 cm in height x 17 cm in width.
-Flower Girl Bouquet: approx 30 cm in height x 12 cm in width.
Dried Flowers:
Each bouquet presents an alluring mix of lilac, orange, purple, turquoise and light blue, light pink, peach and white dried flowers and grasses. Designed to order using our current stock, each arrangement is unique, and filled with a variety of charming wildflowers, bunny tails, dried wheat, oat, and canary grasses.